I imagine was near the centre. I suppose this greatlake to have been bounded on the east by the hill atthe falls; on the south by the uplands, giving rise tothe head waters of the Susquehannah; on the northby the elevation of the great step from the lowerfalls on Gennesee to Oswego Falls; and on the east,by the uplands between the head waters of MudCreek and Genesee River. Its extent up the valleyof Mud Creek I don't pretend to conjecture, but sup-pose its length from east to west may have beenabout a hundred and twenty miles, and its breadthin general about twenty. All the country withinthese limits is a flat, surrounded by much higherland, and its soil, and likewise its small and almostimperceptible horizontal inclination is, I believe,precisely similar to the muddy bottoms of the lakesI have mentioned. But the circumstance whichseems to me most strongly to corroborate my opinion,is the known decrease in the waters of these lakes,and, of course, diminution in their extent, and thetime probably is approaching when they will be entirely drained, and when the land left by thewater is covered with timber, (which would soon bethe case if left to nature,) it will present a countrysimilar in appearance to that on the south side ofOneida Lake, the Cayuga marshes, &;c., with creeksmeandering through it like the Seneca River, Oneida,Cowaselon, and Wood Creeks, &;c., &;c. Please favour me with your ideas on the subject,when convenient, and send me by mail, as far as maybe in your power, answers to the following queries. JOHN H. EDDY, No. 220 William-street. Do you know of any additional circumstancesconfirming the above supposition, such as traces ofwater at other places much above its present level,and near the supposed boundary I have sketched out? Are there any traditions among the Indians, that the country was formerly covered with water?