over the Indians, which preserved peace for so manyyears in their borders. Such men suffer in turbu-lent times for not taking part in the bustle, but areamply repaid for this, in their prosperity in days ofquiet. Mr. Eddy was a firm orthodox Friend, whosefaith was unshaken in the midst of difficulties. The recent separation which has taken place inthe Society of Friends, is a matter of public notoriety,and it is also pretty generally known, that a differ-ence of opinion, upon some of the leading doctrines,was the cause of this unhappy division. Althoughthis separation did not take place in the society atNew York, until after Mr. Eddy's death, yet as he,from the beginning, took such a deep interest in thecontroversy, which was carried on for many yearsprevious to this event, it becomes the duty of hisbiographer to allude to it. A late celebrated minister in the society, who, fromhis strong natural talents, purity of life, and patri-archal appearance, had obtained unbounded influenceover a large portion of the members, for many yearsprevious to Mr. Eddy's death, was very active andzealous in propagating his peculiar sentiments uponthe doctrines of the atonement and divinity of ourSaviour. Without meaning, in the least, to call inquestion his sincerity, or the purity of his motives,it must be admitted, that he held opinions on thoseimportant doctrines, and also respecting the holyscriptures, which differed materially from those heldby Robert Barclay, and the early Quakers. Theyever believed in the divinity of the Saviour, and inthe efficacy of the outward atonement, in conjunc-tion with spiritual regeneration; whilst he loweredthe character of the Redeemer, to that of a good man,and holy pattern, and denied the efficacy of theatonement altogether, relying solely on the regene-ration, as a means of Salvation. The founders ofthe society also, uniformly upheld the authenticityand inspiration of the scriptures, declaring them to