In the domestic circle he was pleasant and instruc-tive, and seemed desirous of filling up every hour asof some value to himself and to others. He seemeddesirous of examining the mind and habits of theyoung, in order to assist them in gathering up pro-per stores of knowledge, and of giving a right direc-tion to their affections. This communion withyoung minds is as beneficial to those in years, as tothe youth who listens to the lessons of age. Thefresh and novel views of the world, coming all unso-phisticated from the young, awaken the recollectionsof youth in the mind of one near the grave, and heseems to travel back again with pleasure to the dayswhen every vision was bright, and hope had notknown the companion of her later years—disappoint-ment. The value of existence will unquestionablybe increased, when we come to understand by themental improvements which are going on, how muchgood we may do, and of how much happiness weare susceptible. The person of Mr. Eddy bore no extraordinarymarks to the casual observer. He was about fivefeet six inches in height, of a muscular, compactframe, capable of bearing great fatigue without in-convenience, and he delighted in corporeal activity aswell as mental exertion. His head was large andwell shaped, the features of his face were strong andprominent, and his whole physiognomy bold andstriking. The elevation of his eyebrows gave thewhole countenance an air of profound meditation.He dressed with great uniformity and neatness. Ifhis face bore deep traces of thought, there were noneof grief. He commemorated the death of his friendwith pious and affectionate propriety, but indulgedin no feverish lamentations at their departure, bow-ing in humble resignation to the will of heaven.He had been failing for several months, but atlast his death was as sudden as his life was serene.He died on the 16th of September, 1827, in the sixty-