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Life of Thomas Eddy


ninth year of his age, of paralysis. He, who haddone so much to alleviate the sufferings of others,was not doomed to suffer much himself. For himdeath had no sting and the grave no victory. Thesweet precepts and holy influence of Christianity haddestroyed both. More than four years previous to Mr. Eddy's death,he withdrew himself from the affairs of the NewYork Hospital, as appears by the following note, inorder that the institution might have the benefit ofthe services of a younger man. To the Governors of the New York Hospital. GENTLEMEN, As the annual election will take place in thecourse of this month, it appears to me my dutyrespectfully to inform you, that it is my wish not tobe considered as a candidate to serve as one of theGovernors for the ensuing year. Having now been twenty-eight years engaged inthe service of the Hospital, it is with extreme reluc-tance that I withdraw myself from any longer takinga part in the management of its concerns, but I con-sider it not consistent with the strict rules of pro-priety, to hold a station that might be filled withmuch more usefulness by some other person, not soadvanced in life, and more active than myself. I am, with sentiments of the greatest respect andesteem, Your sincere friend, THOMAS EDDY. New York, 5th mo. 7th, 1823. But notwithstanding the fact that he had retiredfrom the labours of the Hospital, the Governors hadnot forgotten the services of their former President,and at the next meeting of the Board after his death,they entered the following resolution on their records: The Secretary of the New York Hospital respect-fully informs the family of Thomas Eddy, that at a