very beautiful, and has the appearance of great fertility - the inhabitants chiefly the descendants of Germans by whom the high Dutch Language is mostly spoken. 14th. In our progress this day we found the Country but thinly inhabited, but we were informed the number of settlers were rapidly increasing principally by immigration from New England and there is every reason to believe that in a few years it will become well cultivated and plentiful -- in the evening we stopt at Fort Schuyler 24 miles from Fort Herkimar. 15th. After breakfast several of us went 4 miles up the River on foot to Whites Town, the residence of Arthur Breese, to whom I had letters -- it is quite a new settlement but has the appear-ance of becoming a place of note, being situated in a fast improving Country, and has already in it large Stores, and the finest Pot Ash works that we have yet seen -- at 4 P.M. stopt at Baron Steuben's Landing on the North side of the River, from which to his House we were inform'd the distance was 7 miles and 9 to Fort Stanwix.- At 7 in the evening arrived at the Carrying Place at Fort Stanwix. 16th. The situation of Fort Stanwix, (although upon a 1evel plain, almost surrounded by low Marshey