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Wm. Hartshorne's Journal of Journey to Detroit 1793


Land), must be very much elevated, as it lays about half way between the Mohock &; Wood Creek, the first taking an eastern course to the sea, the latter running Westerly to the Lakes.­ We were inform 'd a Town was laid out near the old Fort, and that preparations ware making to erect Buildings.- a Canal is intended to be out perhaps the ensuing Summer from the Mohock to Wood Creek.- The price of Land on from the Mohock from the German Flatts to Fort Stanwix we were told was from 2 Dollars to 20 pr Acre, according to the quality and State of cultivation.- The course from Schenectady to Fort Stanwix, I suppose to be about W.N.W., distance by water about 120 miles.- this day got our batteaux &;ca. over to Wood Creek-- Wood Creek at this place being no more than a shallow Brook of about 10 or 12 feet wide. 17th. About 7 this morning, having previously hoisted the Gates of a Mill Dam a little above the batteaux floated down the Creek,- One Waggon Load of Goods, and another with passengers, going by Land down to Canada Creek -- 4 miles below Fort Stanwix is the remains of Fort Bull, opposite to which on the South side of Wood Creek is the N.E. corner of the Oneida reserve seven