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Wm. Hartshorne's Journal of Journey to Detroit 1793


11th. Our Baggage arrived this afternoonand was put on board the Sloop Vley, Capt.Marseilles, who expects to sail tomorrow forNew York. 12th. Left Albany about 10 oClock, with afine wind, and very shortly after, ranaground upon the Oversloughs abouttwo Miles below, where all our exertexertions to get off this Tide proved invain. 13th. Not being able to get the Vessell off athigh water last night, this morningmade a Raft of the boards upon Deckby which means and a great deal of labour got off a float and run downover the shoals, and came to an Anchor in order to take in our Raft of Boards. - about 4 P.M. again made sail,the Wind, which for several days pasthas been strong from the Northward, isnow almost done. 14th. Light airs of wind from the southwd. - pass'd Hudson in the Night, which is