Indians would not be ready to attend the treaty before the last of next month. 27th. In the morning before breakfast had a Visit from Governor Simcoe, who had some Conversation with Friends respecting the Militia Laws, and appeared very desirous that they might be so mo-delled in this Government as to be as little oppressive as possible - about 8 A.M. embark'd in our Boats and at 11 Landed at the Kings Stores 9 miles from Niagara - the Banks on both sides, all the way up, being high and steep, and the shores very bold, so that there are but few places wherethat are convenient for Landing - to this place the River is navigable for large Vessells - here in the afternoon we had the satisfaction to meet with our Friends John Parish, Joseph Moore and John Elliott, who came from Philadelphia in Company with Govern’r Rand olph &; Col. Pickering - Our Baggage, Stores, &;ca. were deposited in the Kings Stores, and we pitch'd our Tents upon the Hill above the Landing, a number of soldiers lay in Huts on the low grounds below, who are very sickly, numbers dying daily with the Dysentery. 28th. Our small Batteaux were all dis-charged and sent back to Schenectady - about