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Wm. Hartshorne's Journal of Journey to Detroit 1793


the greatest part well-timbered and fertile, many beautiful settlements on the West bank of the River towards Newark. - the Land after rising the Hill above, towards Lake Erie, being also a plain level Country, equal in beauty and fertility to that below - as far as I could discover, the Banks of the River, from the Landing to the Falls, of the heigth, perhaps from 150 to 200 feet,are almost perpendicular, the greatest partof solid Rock, it being the opinion of many, that the Falls were originally near the Landing, but the prodigious Body of Water that precipitates down them, has worn the channel, 6 or 7 miles up to its present situation – from a high point on the West Bank, had a view of the River down to the Lake, and by a small pocket Compass found that Fort Niagara bore from one N. by W. – In the afternoon Wm. Savery and myself went on Horse Back to see the great Falls, on the way found the country thickly inhabited, all new settlements.- The River just above the Falls I suppose to be a mile wide, and the depth in some places 6 or 8 feet, this prodigious body of water, conjectured to be more than double the quantity that comes down the Falls of Delaware near Trenton, with