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Wm. Hartshorne's Journal of Journey to Detroit 1793


3d. Hearing of a Vessell laying at Fort Erie, ready to Sail for Detroit we this morning got one of our Batteaux carried by Land to the mouth of Chippeway Creek two miles above the Falls, the distance 9 miles. [Cartage of Goods 2/N. York Carr'd. J Au.] 4th. Embark'd in our Batteaux and pushed up against a rapid Stream 18 miles to Fort Erie, where we embark'd on board a Kings Vessell, a schooner of about 100 Tons burthen, called the Dunmore, commanded by Captain Ford, whose conduct towards us was civil and obliging.- The Country from Chippeway Creek, on the West side, up to Fort Erie, is very thickly inhabited chiefly by new settlers from the united States.- We had on board the Dunmore 12 passengers in the Cabbin, several in the Steerage and upwards of 60 Indians, of different Tribes, on Deck, which with the Sailors, Marines etc., made the whole number on board, amount to upwards of 90 Souls - the River from Chippeway to Fort Erie is from l ΒΌ to 2 miles wide, in which are several fine Islands - the Course nearly North and South. 5th. About 2 P.M.a fair wind springing up made Sail and got out into the Lake