this evening morning arrived three large bark Canoes, with Twenty Eight Chippeways, from Michillamackanac, on their way to Miami. 26th. This morning sail'd the Snow Chippeway for Fort Erie, in whom went passenger Richd. Hillery, by whom I wrote to New York. Friends agreed with M.Dolsen to supply the Moravian Indians with Corn and Flour, to the value of one hundred Dollars, part of which was this morning delivered, for which they appear'd to be very grateful. Dined with John Askin Esqr., a Merchant of this place, by whom we were very agreeably entertained. - he, in some measure, corrobe-rated the account given by the Canadian on the 22nd respecting the North West Trade - he says that from a place called the Grand Portage, at the upper end of the Lakes, they travel above 2000 miles to the Westward, in small bark Canoes so light that two Men carry them - all the pro-vision, allowed to each Man for this long voyage, being no more than one bushel of Indian Corn, that has been boil'd in Lye and hull'd