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Wm. Hartshorne's Journal of Journey to Detroit 1793


Nation, whom Colt Butler would not permit to be left landed there, alleging they were in danger of being killed by the other Indians.- We had a Letter from a person, who happened accidentally to be in company with Colonel Butler, he inform'd us that he heard him say, that, if the demands of the Indians were not complyed with, it was his opinion, that the Commissioners, and the whole of their Retinue, would be massacre'd - we also had a Letter from Col.McKee, the British Agent, in answer to one wrote him.- he dates his Letter from the Foot of the Rapids of the Miami River, and promises to give us the earliest intelligence of the time when the Treaty will likely commence The following Account is taken from a Quebec Almanac, for the Year 1792 The Names of all the different Indian Nations in North America (hitherto discover 'd ) the situation of their Countries, with the Number of their Fighting Men.