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Wm. Hartshorne's Journal of Journey to Detroit 1793


Perplex'd with various reports, and contradictory opinions.- it is said, the American A:rmy ie still advancing, and that an encampment is form 'd, in front of Fort Jefferson, within 30 miles of where the last Battle was fought.- that the Indians are more &; more settled in their determination, that nothing short of the boundary line being fixt on the River Ohio, will ever induce them to lay down the Hatchet, - that, in consequence of this resolution, they have sent a deputation to the Commissioners at Niagara, in order, if their instructions does not impower them to make such a Cession, to prevent their taking the unnecessary trouble of coming forward any further.- indeed, it seems to be the prevailing opinion of the day, that there will be no Treaty at all. - A number of Philadelphia and New York News Papers came to Colt England by the Ottaway, some as late as the 23d of last Month, since we have been favour'd