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Wm. Hartshorne's Journal of Journey to Detroit 1793


to a resolution, to accept of no terms short of making the Ohio the boundary line. - Our Interpretter was formerly a Prisoner among the Shawnese, and had been adopted into the family of this Young Man, in the place of his Father, and in their discourse the Indian gave him that appellation, saying, my Father, I will tell you what I know, and speak the truth - in the begining of the World, this Land was given to the Indians, and the White People were placed beyond the great water - when the white Men first came to this Land, the wise old Men among the Indians, told their People, that if they received anything of the white Men, they would be destroyed,­ "the bitter Water was made for white folks, but the Water of the Brooks and Rivers for, the Indians, - but not regarding this advice, many of the Nations Traded with the Whites, took their Hatchets, Knives and Rum, and gave up their Land for trifles, and, according to the ancient prediction, they have wasted away, and some of them - become quite extinct, and the few that are remaining are driven, almost to