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Wm. Hartshorne's Journal of Journey to Detroit 1793


to where the sun sets, but they are now determined to be driven no further, should they go to where the Sun sets, they would all be lost forever. - The Congress must remove their Forts, and all their People over the River, and then the Indians will take them by the hand, and become their true friends - but should the Commissioners meet the Indians in Council, and there pretend that they have conquered their Country, and will not remove out of it, in that case, the Indians will withdraw from the Council, and then, instantly, fall upon the opposite party, and destroy them all - this is the substance of what he said as intrepretted by Sylvester Ash Sylv Ash, as near as I can re-member. -- This day the Ottaway sail'd for Fort Erie, in whom M.Elliott embark'd, to be landed at the Mouth of. the Miami River - Thermometer, in the Shade 102, in the Sun 123 - In the evening after having made the above remarks, the Shawen-ese Warriour abovementioned return'd to our