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Wm. Hartshorne's Journal of Journey to Detroit 1793


on the whole satisfactory 15th. The Weather for these several Days past has been cool and pleasant, the wind N.W. with a clear and serene sky­ Wheat Harvest is now begun in this neighbourhood 16th. Friends being a little uneasy with being so long in a state detained in a state of idleness, waited upon Matthew Elliott, to know his sentiments, in respect to our visiting the Indians assembled at the Miami - he gave it as his opinion, that, as they were now holding a Council on their own affairs, it would not be prudent, without an invitation from them, to take such a step;but if Friends but, as he expected to go there himself in a Day or two, if Friends had an inclination to send them a Message, he would punctually deliver it. - This being taken into consideration, and there being a probability that we may not have another opportunity of communicating our sentiments, and the motives which