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Wm. Hartshorne's Journal of Journey to Detroit 1793


which induced us to come forward, we gladly accepted the offer 17th. Captain Elliott intending this day for the Indian Council, the following ad-dress was agreed to, and enclosed in a Letter to Colonel McKee, who is desired to communicate the same to the Indians To the Indians, assembled at the Rapids of the Miami Brothers,We who send you this Letter are of the People called Quakers, and have left our homes and families in Pensylvania and New Jersey, and taken this long Journey to see you purely from motives of Love and good will, and to endeavour to promote peace.- We have been now five weeks at Detroit waiting for the opening of the Treaty at Sandusky, where we expected to have seen you all, but as we have heard a number of your People are gone to Niagara to meet the Commissioners, we do not know but the business may be so concluded there, as that