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Wm. Hartshorne's Journal of Journey to Detroit 1793


29th. Willm. Savery return'd from Detroit in Company with Capt. Freeman and Ensign Broadhead, Joseph Moore intending to come down with the Schooner Nancy who it is expected will leave Detroit tomorrow on her way to Fort Erie.- In the evening arrived two large Batteaux, with Captain Elliott, Tho. McKee (son of the Col.) and a number of Indians who are said to be a deputation from the great Council - Elliott McKee and some others came over to us, but the Indians landed on an Island opposite to our Encampment. - We are informed the Indians at the Council are much dissatisfied with the conduct of their Chiefs who met the Commissioners at Navy Hall - that they either mistook their instructions, or neglected to follow them, in consequence of which, this second Deputation is sent. - Their first and Principal business we are told is to know of the Commissioners whither