whither they have power to make the Ohio the boundary line, if not, the whole business is at an end. 30th. About 9 A.M. the Indian Deputies, twenty five in number, came over and had a public conference with the Commissionrs -Their speaker (whose name in English is Carry-folks People- about) express'd their gladness that it had pleas'd the Great Spirit to bring the Commissioners thus far in safety and good health, and then proceeding to business, said, there had some mistake happened at the Conference at Navy Hall, and in order to rectify which they had now come forward wih a message from the Council, and, that they might not be liable to blunder a second time, they had brought a Paper, which spoke what was in their their whole Heart. - They then delivered the Letter, being in substance the same as we were told last night, - After a few minutes private consul-tation, Genl. Lincoln, in behalf of the Commiss. told them the Indians, that the Contents of the