Paper should be considered, and an Answer given Tomorrow. - We were inform'd, that, as Capt.Elliott, when he parted with the Commissioners, on going to the Miami, fully expected their would be a Treaty, had concluded to leave the Letter to Col. McKee (inclosing our Address to the Indians) of the 17th, with the Comissnrs. to be return'd to us, which has been done accordingly.- about 4 P.M. Joseph Moore landed from the Schooner Nancy, having left Detroit about 10 in the morning,- the Nancy proceeded on her way to Fort Erie. 31st. The Indians came over about 10 oClock, but were informed that an answer would not be ready for them before 5 in the afternoon,- about that time the Deputies assembled, and Col. Pickering, in behalf of the Commissioners, ap -pologized for making them wait so long for an answer.- He then according to the Indian custom, repeated over the Contents of the written message brought from the Council at the Miami, and proceed to read a very