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Wm. Hartshorne's Journal of Journey to Detroit 1793


lengthy answer, which in the first place pointed out the improbability of any part of the business being misunderstood at the conference at Niagara, and stated such facts as made it appear that such a pretence could be nothing less than want of sincerity.- men -mention was then made of the several Treaties concluded since the establishment of the Independance of the United States, and of the new settlements made in consequence of those treaties, and of the impossibility of removing such a great number of Families from their habitations and Farms; and therefore, in the most explicit terms de-clared declared that the United States could not agree that the River Ohio should be the boundary line.- In the next place the Commissioners acknowledged that very improper Language had been held out at former Treaties, when it had been said that the United States claimed all the Indian Coun-try, (within certain limits mark'd out by the Treaty of Peace with the British) as a con-quer'd Country.- The Commissioners