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Wm. Hartshorne's Journal of Journey to Detroit 1793


notwithstanding the vigilence of several who were continually upon the watch to keep them off - The Indian Corn is begining to be fit for Roasting, and it is the business of one hand to watch the Birds, who have already done great damage in the field. --The Black Birds, we are told, are equally mischievious in all parts of the Country. --Came down, and sail'd the Sloop anchor'd opposite our Encampment, the Sloop Detroit from Michilimackanac bound to Fort Erie. 3d. This morning intended going in a Canoe about 4 miles up the River to a Wiandot Village, but the wind blowing hard from the S.W. prevented us. 4th. Heavy rain last night, and all this morning untill Hoon - in the afternoon had a Meeting at the House of Simon Girty about 5 oClock.- about 11 A.M. the Chipeway pass'd by on her way from Fort Erie and Miami River, bound to Detroit - She sent on Shore a Packet for the Commissioners from Philadelpa among its contents were News Papers as late at the 25th of the 6th month.