7th. This day the Commissioners were furnished with a few ripe Water Melons, being the first I have seen. 8th. The wind blew hard from the Eastward the greatest part of the last night, attended with Rain- this Wind we hope will hasten the arrival of a Vessell from Fort Erie, by whom a Person is expected from Philadelphia that was sent there an Express by the Commissioners from Niagara.- Some of our company kill'd one of the small black Rattle Snakes - there skin is much darker than the large sort, - they seldom exceed the length of 18 inches, and have but two or three Rattles - there bite, is is said to be very venomous, much more so than that of the larger kind. 9th. Last night arrived two of the Stockbridge Indians with letters from Hendrick their Chief, with by which we were informed that there seem'd to be a disposition in the Indian Council to admit the Commissioners to a Treaty, and giving it as his opinion that a Peace would be soon established.- We are further told that the place of Treaty is like to be altered from