very different from the generous politeness received from their brethren at Detroit, but have a hope that their ungenerous aspersions has not injured us individua1ly or brought any reproach upon the Society at large -- may their rude and ungenerous attempts serve to keen us more upon our guard and watchful over those weaknesses, which doubtless are more or less, the portion of human nature. 13th. In the Ottaway arrived Captain Wilbank who came from the Southward with a party of Indians, as beforementioned he this day Dined with the Commissioners, and confirm'd what was noted as coming from him on the 18th of last month, and gave a more full in--formation of the complaints of the Southern Indians, and of the attempts of the Spaniards to foment the difference subsisting between them and the United tates. 14th. In the forepart of last night had a sudden and heavy fall of rain which made our Tents very uncomfortable for the remainder of the night.- The Commissioners growing impatient at the delay of the Indians, sent off an Express to the Council in order to hasten their answer.