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Wm. Hartshorne's Journal of Journey to Detroit 1793


about 10 A.M. the wind shifted round to N.N.W., we made sail, and run through the Islands - in the afternoon it fell calm, at6 in the evening we were about 10 miles belowthe Islands.­ This being the first day p (and just 10 weeks since we passed the same Islands)Friends had a Meeting in the Cabbin, which wasin the main a satisfactory time. 19th. Little wind all the last night, mostly from the N.E. - this morning almostcalm, the Bass Islands still in sight -light airs of wind all Day from the Northward- we made but little progress. 20th. Last night about 10 a fresh breezesprung up from the N. N. W. which conti-nued untill this morning - the fore partof the Day calm - at 1 P.M. a breeze sprungup about N.B.E. about which time a Vessellhove in sight a stern of us which wesuppose to be the Ottaway bound to FortErie - at 4 P.M. close in with the Landnear the mouth of Elk River on the Southside of the Lake, - tack'd and stood tothe Northward 21st.