and emigrants from different quarters, - after we got below the boundary Line which strikes the water somewhere on Lake St.Francis, we found improvements onboth sides, but the N.W. side of the Lakebeing low and Marshy swampy had but few settleĀments, on the S.E. side appeared morepleasant, and better cultivated. - TheCountry on both sides the River, belowthe Lake, is thickly inhabited, especially on the West side, where the Land appearsto be fertile and well improved. - The Rapids in this River are not easily de-scribed, - those of Long Sue, and the Cedarsare the most remarkable, in one ofwhich we went 3 Leagues in 35 minutes and the in the other the same distancein 40 minutes.- Opposite La Chine,which is 9 miles from Montreal, is alarge Indian Town, the Houses appear'dto be commodious &; well built, a largeChurch, or Chappel, standing in the Town,and another building of the like kind, 3 or