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Wm. Hartshorne's Journal of Journey to Detroit 1793


four miles from it. - La Chine is a Village situated on the same Island onwhich Montreal is built, to this place allGoods intended for the Western Trade isbrought by Land from Montreal, &; fromthence sent by Batteaux, Canoe's &;c inmany directions into the Indian Country.- in the River St.Lawrence, between Kingstonand the Lake St. Francis are a vast mul-titude of Islands, most of which are small,barren, and Rocky. - The Country inthe Neighborhood of Montreal appearsto be very thickly inhabited, fertile &; pleasant. - The Town is about half the size of New York, the buildings mo mostly of stone, some of the Housesare roof'd with Tin plates, and ingeneral are pretty well built, - someof the Streets are commodious and wellpaved, - it appears to have a plentifulMarket, and provision, in general, about the same price as in New York