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Wm. Hartshorne's Journal of Journey to Detroit 1793


on both sides, the Country is very Rocky and Mountainous - From Ticonderogato Skeensborough, the distance of 25 miles, the Lake is like a narrow River, withvery high Cliffs on both sides, in some places much resembling the High Lands on Hudsons River. - About 12 miles below Skeensboroug the River is contracted betweenlarge Bodies of Marsh, which continuenearly all the way up, - among theseSwam Marshes were great numbers of Ducks of different kinds, but mostlywhat are call'd Wood Ducks 8th. We arrived at Skeensborough about11 oClock, the distance being 150 miles from St. Johns - at Skeensborough arefine Mills upon the Falls of Wood Creekwhere it empties into the east end ofLake Champlain, - the Land, in generalvery rough &; Mountainous, in whichare some fertile Vallies. 9th. Having procured two waggons to bringour Baggage, six of us set off about 7