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Wm. Hartshorne's Journal of Journey to Detroit 1793


in the Stage Waggon for Albany. - Wepass'd the remains of Fort Ann &; Fort Edward, the first 11, the latter 24 miles fromSkeensborough, - about 8 in the eveningarrived at Saratoga on the North River, 35 miles from Skeensbugh. and 36 miles from Albany 10th. We left Saratoga about 6 A.M.and reach'dLansingburg about 2 P.M. where we dined, - our ride this morning has been all theway in a very pleasant Road on the banksof Hudsons River - we pass'd through sosome beautiful Villages, particularly thehalf Moon, or Waterford, on the west sideof the River, about a Mile above Lansing-bourg, which is situated on the East side,they both appear to be places of considerableTrade, and from the number of new buildingserecting, very rapidly increasing in sizeand beauty, - the same may be saidof Troy which stands a few miles below Lansingbourg on the same side of the River where we again Ferried over and arrived atAlbany about 5 oClock - Lansingbourgh 9 m. from Albany.