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Organization name Kansas indians
Other names Cansas
Org type Indian group
Bio notes Kansa, Kanza, or Kaw, meaning “Wind People.” This Siouan-speaking people were semi-sedentary corn harvesters for half the year, then hunted buffalo for the other. Their territory extended over northern and eastern Kansas. In 1825 the Kaw ceded parts of their territory in Kansas and Missouri to the US. After lapsing into a severely weakened state following two smallpox outbreaks in 1827-1828 and 1831-1832, they were vulnerable enough to cede most of the remaining land in 1846 for a reservation at Council Grove, Kansas.
Citations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaw_people ; https://www.emporia.edu/cgps/tales/o93tales.html

Mentioned in:

Jacob Lindley's Account, 1793

New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook