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Last name Rotch
First name Charity
Display name Charity Rotch
Birth date 1766
Death date 1824
Birth place newpo
Gender f
Affiliations Society of Friends, New York Yearly meeting of Friends
Bio notes Probably first Clerk of Ohio Yearly Meeting of Women Friends. Charity Rotch was the youngest daughter of Thomas Rodman, born in Newport, Rhode Island. In 1790, she married Thomas Rotch, a rising merchant in Newport. Moved to New Bedford and later to Hartford, Connecticut. Both Thomas and Charity were recognized as ministers while living in New England. Appointed by NYYM to visit Stockbridge, Brothertown, and Oneida in 1807. Moved west and settled in Kendal, Ohio, in 1812. Active in Quaker affairs. She signed the women’s epistles to Philadelphia YM in 1814, 1818, and 1819. Charity died in 1824.

Mentioned in:

Minutes of the Committee on Indian Concern No 1