3 Went a Fishing in the morning caught but Few Fish Visited General Chapin then went to the Morris es to see Coll Pickering drank tea with them, spent the evening there. 4 Snowed this morning until near noon Rubin Taft who when at home lives at Unbridg in New England 400 miles from this place. Set of for his home with Charles Harford Purposed to go as far as Genave 15 miles Charles is an English man lately from Liverpool Rubin our Landladys father &; appeared very friendly invited us kindly to his house if we should come near him Ive dined at the Morrises with Coll Pickering Gentl Chapin &; Capt Hendricks an Indian spent the afternoon there, the 1 of the week the Grown in many places 5 covered with snow which made it appear Heavey to be detained the Indians not like to be here for 5 or 6 Days was some tryal of Patience, we had a Meeting to which several Friends from the Country came &; some people of the the Town which was a Setisfactory Meeting. 6 i spent this day mostly at my lodging my companions went to see a family who lived 2 miles from town whose name was Whitecar descended from Friends 7 set out this morning for Jemimah Wilkinson Settlement 23 miles from our Lodging. Rode to Elias Gilberts 10 miles. Dined ther then rode to William Potters 10 miles lodged there was very kindly entertained by him &; his children 8 Stayed for brakefast then rode to Jeminmas Stayed abought 2 hours, had Some conversation with her &; Rachel Mellonto But Little Satisfaction. Returned to our kind Friend Potters got dinner then returned to our lodgings. Potter hath Separated from Jemima thinks her Scheam was that of Interest She appears to Loose Credit with the People.