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Some Account of our Journey to Cannandaigue


9 I Stayed Mostly at my Lodgings my Companions Rode out 2 miles to See a Family of the Name of Whitecur who Descended from Friends 9 John Parish &; James Emlen rode out to meet the Indians who are thought to Be Near &; william Savery &; my self stayed at our Lodging now near night &; no Indians com nor our Companions. 10 Rained last night &; this morning our Companions not come nor the Indians the Thoughts of being so far from home and the Rodes groing worse the days Shorter made it feel very heavy &; called for an inetees of Patience which I hope we were Favoured with. we went to see Coll Pickerin &; Thos Morris in the afternoon &; James Wagstaff, who lives in this Town appears to be much like his father of an unsettled disposition. Returned to our lodging no Indians nor our Friends. 11 The Coll Calld on Wm Savery &; my self to go with him to a conference with the onida Indians. Respecting some uneaseness amongst themselves &; when they were met together he Requested they would inform him How the Dispute arose Expressing a hope he Could Be helpfull in restoring Tranquilty amongst them. Capt John after they had Consulted together Delivered a very Intelagible speech after him. Peter a Waryer spake, it appeared by them. Both they had been by under influence prevailed upon by Peter Smith to leece him a large percel of land for a very Small consideration I think 4 miles one way &; 24 mile an other for 200 dollars the year for 21 years &; th land very good we were informed the whole of there land is worth 4 dollars the acer it appeared they had deffered abought this leece some being for &; some against it which had like to have brought them to Blose