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Some Account of our Journey to Cannandaigue


the Men were Mostly gone to Council and other ways the women were Busey Some a Cooking others Sewing &; Makeing Baskets &; Mogasons &; Venson Plenty abought there Cabins &; Deer Skins Stretched to Dry 31 no- Council Read Jacket Clearsky obeal and Saguersey Calld on us to Day for Some a advice after Makeing an Apoligy for there not Paying more Attention to us Sooned which we took into Consideration let them know we would Give them an Answer they Introducd what they had to say By observeing we were in the Presence of the Great Spirit that they Believed we were honest men &; there Friends, if they were now Deceived they should never More Put Confidence in Men, they wished what they had to Say Might be kept Privet, horatio Jones was there interpretor 11mo 1th Rained we Staid at home Read Jackett Clarsky the name of one not none Senecas Chiefe and Saguorsey or Sword Bearer Chiefs of the Tuscororeus Calld at our house for an answer to what they said to us yesterday which we gave them in Substance as follows 2 mo &; 1th of the week had a Meeting in the Schoolhouse after which was a Council with the Indians they Informed Pickring they Desired to have the land from Johnsons Landing to Buffalow Crick Being a bought 4 miles wide &; 22 long of lake the Coll Purposed to give them suprevliege to fish &; the Land for of united states Left under the Constitution