lbs. for which the boatman was to havetwenty shillings per hundred weight fortaking up to the settlement, which weafterwards understood from him, was 270miles by water, He agreed to set-off in twoor three days, estimating it would take eight-teen days to reach the settlement. We next attended to providing some ne-cessary articles of provision to carry with uson horse back. 12th. 1st day About 8 in in the morning severalof our number again waited on the Generalagreeable to his request of yesterday, and hada satisfactory interview, in which he expressedhis good wishes for the success of the causewe were engaged in, And to encourage the business and assist therein he presented uswith the following letters; and when wecame away accompanied us through theguards and respectfully took his leave of us. To Captain Fowler Agent of QuarterMaster General, Fort Franklin.Head Quarters, Pittsburgh.May the 12th 1798. Sir:-- This will be handed to you by Mr. Pierce, of the Society of Friends in Philadelphia