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Organization name Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends
Date founded 1681
Org type Yearly Meeting
Bio notes Philadelphia Yearly Meeting opened at Burlington, New Jersey in 1681 and first met for discipline at Philadelphia in 1683. Friends agreed to meet jointly and alternately as a yearly meeting on either side of the Delaware River in 1685. The Yearly Meeting began to meet only at Philadelphia after 1745; in 1790 transferred Fairfax and Warrington Quarterly Meeting of Friendss to Baltimore Yearly Meeting and accepted the transfer of Baltimore Yearly Meeting's Eastern Shore Quarterly Meeting of Friends as its new Southern Quarterly Meeting of Friends, and transferred Nottingham Quarterly Meeting of Friends to Baltimore Yearly Meeting in 1819.
Citations https://quakermeetings.com/Plone/yearlymeetings

Mentioned in:

A Brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee Appointed by the Yearly Meeting of Friends, Held in Baltimore for Promoting the Improvement and Civilization of the Indian Natives

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815

A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804

Journal of Joshua Evans 1795-1796 (E)

Joseph Moore's Journal

Jonathan Thomas His Book 1798

The Committee Appointed to Confer With the Friends who Attended the Indian Treaty

Letter to the Quarterly Meeting of Friends at Hopewell

Treasury Account of Goods to be sent to the Indians, 1795

Letter from Quakers to General Wayne, 1795

Reports of the Indian Committee to New York Yearly Meeting, 1795-1806

New York Yearly Meeting Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

The Bank of Faith and Works United

Travels in Some Parts of North America, in the Years 1804, 1805, & 1806, by Robert Sutcliff

Life of Thomas Eddy

Account of I. Coates, J. Sharpless, & J. Pierce, visits to Indian Reservation, NY

Joel Swayne Diary