eighteen miles from Cornplanter's: and the road beingvery rough, we agreed to remain here till morning,there being a good house to accommodate us, though we had to find our own provisions andsleep again on the floor. Near the mouth of the creek on a beau-tiful dry place the State of Pennsylvania has laidout Warrentown. [now county seat of Warren County.] The Holland Company have built a good housein this town where they keep a store to supply theirsurveyors and settlers on the land with provisions, &;c.[but their's is the only house in the town] Joseph Johnson our pilot had the charge of this store. Here we met with twenty or more Indians,many of whom were drunk, having obtained liquorof some settlers who were at this house intendingin a few days to go up the creek. Joseph Johnson immediately put a stopto the selling of liquor, and informed us thathe and his men had abstained from the useof distilled spirits in their surveying business,last summer, as was the practice of other sur-veyors in the Company's employ, and foundthey were better without it. He agreed with a young Indian who wassober and we were informed would not getdrunk to pilot us tomorrow to Cornplanter'svillage. He was a good countenanced lad, and