frame house of two rooms, which we have rented of one of their Chiefs, for the present. They are to take six or eight Apprentices upon the Farm: but, as the occasionally do assist those who are disposed to work their own ground; and do go among the Tuscaroras, Stockbridges, and Brothertons, to rouze them from their farming. See the inclosed minutes. On 7th. day evening we had the pleasure of hearing that our dear friend Joshua Evens was in the neighborhood, and intended to have a meeting at Brotherton on first day morning and two of us went off with the Chief of the Stockbridges to bid him wellcome, the rest of us staying at home to keep up our own meeting, as usual. In the evening we collected joyfully at our lodgings, to the number of ten, Joshua having the Companions with him from about the North River; and the Indians ga thered round us till bed time, for a sight of the venerable Patriarch. Next morning we had our parting Conference with the Stockbridges, wherein, after ex- plaining our views, We delivered our Proposals to them in writing, and earnestly recommended such advice as appeared most necessary for their observance. After which an Old Man (baptised many years ago by John Schmitt a Mo-ravian Brother who laboured some years in these parts under great difficulties and discor- agements), burst forth very tenderly in the following broken lan-guage: Brothers, I glad see you in my heart; and hear your good word. You use us just like a Father. I am old, lost all my Family. I can't live many days: But all this spring I think Jesus will send me some comfort in my trouble; but Nobody say anything to me, till more you are come. Wish I was young, then I would do what you say directly: but I go see how your People work, every two three days, and tell our Young Men what you do. When Hendrick Aupaumut, having first rehearsed in Indian what he was going to say, replied Brothers, We shall speak but a few words. We are glad of your company among us, these three weeks, that