in the amount thereof expended in the employment of suitable men to assist them in building comfortable dwelling houses and making fences &;c. we apprehended plainly shews their disposition — Under all circumstances we are of the sentiment that there is cause of encou- -ragement to Friends and think with the Little Turtle as expressed in his reply to our address that their changing their present mode of living is a work that cannot be done immediately, but that a number of the Indians are that way disposed and we hope it will take place gradually. Geo. Ellicott 10 Mo 16 1804 Gerard J. Hopkins Which being read the committee generally expressed their satisfaction and concurance with their proceedings. The following friends are appointed to examine the Treasurers acct. and prepare a report to be laid before the yearly meeting and produce it to a future siting of the committee to wit George Ellicott Gerard T. Hopkings, Evans Thomas, Thomas Moore, Edward Stabler &; Philip E. Thomas It appearing to the committee that a corres- pondence being opened with the friends under appoint- ment of the Yearly Meeting of Philadelphia on Indian concerns would tend to promote the object of our mu- tual concern the following friends are therefore app-