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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


To the Committee on Indian affairs app-ointed by the Yearly Meeting of PhiladelphiaDear Friends The committee on Indians concernsappointed by the Yearly Meeting of Baltimorebeing of opinion that a reciprocal advantagewould arrise and their wishes be promoted bya free correspondence with other committees ofthe same nature have for this reason written toyou at the present time and also being fullypersuaded that the great work we have in handmay be better accomplished by an union ofsympathy &; sentiment, than perhaps it could byeither committee alone In the progress of the arduous undertakingof assisting the Indian natives in agriculture &;other useful arts of civil life this committeehave sent several deputations of its membersinto their Country first to ascertain their disposi-tions &; wants &; after that to render them suchassistance &; instruction as was in our power, &;we have the satisfaction to inform that fromthe report of the last of those deputations, ourefforts are like to be crowned with as much successas (from the means in our power to employ) we had