of the concern, and voluntarily offerin their servicesproducing certificates of the concurrence of the MonthlyMeetings of which they were members For your information we herewith forward 20Copies of a publication intended for the membersof our yearly Meeting, containing a brief accountof our proceedings—our views do not yet extendbeyond those tribes of Indians with whom we areat present engaged, not knowing what may openin the clearness hereafter. We are of your mindthat a free intercourse and correspondence, maintainedbetween your committee and ours, as occasionsarise, may be beneficial to the important businessentrusted to us Signed on behalf of the Committee onIndian affairs appointed by the Yearly Meeting forPennsylvania New Jersey &;c Henry Drinker Tho. Stewardson then adjourned 10 Mo. 16 1805 The committee again met present 15 Members The friends appointed to prepare a report to the YearlyMeeting produced the following which was approvedFor which SEE our Proceedings from Page 106To Page 115 inclusive then adjourned