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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


from the necessity of furnishing our aid at thatplace much longer BrothersShould this be the case and ourbrethren of the Wyandot Nation at upper SanDusky continue disposed to receive help fromus we will probably hereafter turn our attentionmore towards relieving them, for we still con-tinue to feel as much love for them as when wefirst offered them our aid and have only beenprevented from helping them, by not havingheard from them before now, which made ussuppose they did not wish it BrothersWe have concluded to request ourfriend Charles Jewitt Indian Agent at Detroitto furnish you with 2 setts of Plow Irons 12 Axes &;12 Hoes on our behalf as a small token of thecontinuance of our love for you these we hopeyou will receive, and put them into the hands ofsuch of our Red Brethren of the Wyandot Nationas will be willing to use them Signed on behalf of the Society of Quakersat Baltimore 2 Mo 15 1806 Evan Thomas Geo. Ellicott Gerard T. Hopkins P E Thomas