and Philip E. Thomas, who were directed to writehim a suitable answer to them on behalf of thecommittee Detroit 12 May 1806Friends In the latter end of last Month Ihad the honor to receive a packet from theSecretary at War, enclosing your address to theWyandot Indians, and your letter of 2 Mo. 20 toCharles Jewitt. The Secretary at War directed me todo the same with your address and letter as C.Jewitt would have done, if he had been here, whois in the public service as Indian Agent atChickago The Chiefs of the Wyandots at &;near San Dusky to whom your communicationappears to be immediately addressed are not ofterat Detroit, they have not been here since mecame to this place in june last, but there arechiefs of that Nation, residing a little belowDetroit on the Western Shore of Lake Erie, in twoVillages called Maguaga and Browns Town whoare often here. The most considerable and res-pectable part of that Nation live in those twoVillages, where also resides the public Interpreter forthat Nation. I have conferred with this Inter-preter and these Chiefs, who rejoice in the con-