Thee will please to forward Mahlons account assoon as possible after thy arrival, and as we havepaid a draft drawn by Wm Wells respecting which we are without any advice from Mahlon, theewill please to give un information on that subjectalso If thee can find use for the two Horses atthe Station thee may take them and the farmingutensils belonging to the committee under thycharge, until further advised or until some other person arrives to take them, but if thatis not convenient, please to deliver them to Wm Wells The committee would be glad to hearwhat distribution was made of the last yearscrop- How many Hogs there are belonging toFriends, and the general state of things at thesettlement when Mahlon withdraws from it We are Thy frds Evan Thomas Elisha Tyson Geo. Ellicott Gerard T. Hopkins P.E. Thomas The committee appointed to prepare and forwardan address to William Kirk, informed that theyhad complied with the service and forwarded the