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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


brethren in Great Britain reported that theyhave not yet had an opportunity of investingthe whole amount received but expected in ashort time to be able to accomplish if theywere continued The subject of a visit being made to theIndians under our care the ensuing springbeing again brought into view &;solidly consideredit was the united judgment of the committeethat such a visit will be necessary, but several of the friends nominated to that servicein the 10th month last being absent &; nothaving given information if they expectedto give up to perform it, their appointmentwas refered to the consideration of next meeting A letter was received from DavidGrave requesting to be excused from the appointment of visiting the Indians &; assigningreasons for his not being able to go out he was therefore released The following friends were appointed toprepare an address to be presented to the Indiansat their next general Council, and also oneparticularly directed to those more immediatelyunder our care, they were likewise directed toforward such instructions to John Shaw ascircumstances may render necessary to wt GeorgeEllicott, Andrew Ellicott, Elisha Tyson, JamesGillingham Evan Thomas &; Philip E. Thomas Then adjourned to meet on 7th day the