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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


19th of the 3rd month 1808 at the 6th hour in theevening Balto. 3 mo 19 1808 At meeting of the committee on Indian concernspresent 14 members The friends appointed to invest the fundsemited to us on account of the money raised byour brethren of great Britain reported that theyhad invested the amount recd. in Union Bank ofMaryland Stock which was conveyed in trustto Philip E. Thomas, Isaac Tyson &;AndrewEllicott is to be held by them subject tothe future orders of the committee Information was recd. from our friends EdwardStabler &; Asa Moore who were proposed in the 10thMo last to visit our Station on the Wabashthat they had not at the present time muchexpectation of performing the service, and ifremaining after solid consideration to be theunited judgment of the committee that sucha visit will be necessary James Gillinghamwas added to the friends who already standnominated to the service: and they requested toproceed as soon as they can with conveniencethey were also desired to pass by the residence ofHorton Howard &; Jonathan Wright and requesttheir company in the visit