for assistance. Your father is rich and is able andwilling to assist you. You have plainly seen heis willing to assist you he has sent you tools andhis young men into your Country to work for you&; instruct you how to use them. that they cameinto your very towns for this purpose. All this wasdone at the request of your Chiefs When these youngmen came forward you refused to receive them, howcan you expect after this the assistance of your fatherlet your wants be ever so great. we now want toknow the reason why you have refused to receivethe young men (sent by your father the President)when come to your doors to assist you The council adjourned until the evening whenit opened again and the Five medals spoke inreply as follows Brothers we have heard all you have saidand we thank the great spirit for putting it inour power to meet this day. we the Miamis andPotowatomies make one and are satisfied withwhat you have said. You see how many of usare here with you. Our principal Chiefs are nothere now The Little Turtle nor the Massasiniway Indians are not here. You have asked us questionswhich we will endeavor to answer- You have toldus you had a pity on and this has been the uniformlanguage to us from you since we first knew youIn consequence of what we have said we saw