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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


consideration. George Ellicott, Even Thomas, James Gillingham, AsaMoore, Gerard T Hopkins &; P E Thomas &; David Gravewere appointed to prepare a report to the yearlyMeeting &; produce it to the next meeting of thecommittee, they were also desired to examinethe Treasurer acct &; report the state of our funds Then adjourned to meet on the evening of the 12thInst. at the 7th hour- at which time the committee againmet present 18 Members The proposal of addressing the Legislatureof Ohio on the subject of the introductionof Spirituous liquors amongst the Indians fromthat state being again weightily considered, itwas concluded best to decline the prospect atthis time The friends appointed produced thefollowing report to the Yearly Meeting whichwas approved, to wit. We the committee on Indian concernsReport that since the last yearly meeting wehave continued our exertions to promote theconcern of friends for effecting the civilizationof the Indian natives &; the introduction of thearts of husbandry amongst them &; altho no greatprogress appears since our last report yet wehope there is ground of encouragment topersevere in the benevolent work Some time after our last yearly meetingthe young men who had been engaged by friendsto assist the Indians at our settlement on theWabash returned and informed us that they had