to remove a small distance out of theVillage in order to have separate fields andbetter opportunity of raising stock they contemplated assisting them in building housesfor that purpose as soon as the cropwould be in a situation to admit of it-our young men also inform that 2 ofthe Indians had been induced to cultivatetheir lands by the plough &; that they believedthe late Visit made to them by friendshad been useful to them. Their principal chief observed that he loved friendsin his heart for the love they manifestedto the Indians We have examined the Treasureracct. and find an unexpended balancein his hands of $265 36/100 exclusive ofthe donation recd. from our brethren ofGreat Britain Signed on behalf of the CommitteePhilip E Thomas Ck P.S. we are free to inform the YearlyMeeting that we apprehend an advantagewould arise from an addition to our memberswhich we submit to the Meeting Then adjourned to meet on the eveningof the 13th Inst. at the 7th hour in the evening