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Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes, 1795-1815


Indians held at Fort Wayne 25 of the 9th monthwhich were read &;refered to further considerationalso the copy of an address on behalf of the MiamisPuttowattamy &; Eal River Tribes of Indians requestingthat measures may be adopted to interdict thesale of Spiritous Liquors to Indians in the Stateof Ohio or Territories of Indiana or Michiganfrom which places they say it is introducedamongst them which being read &;the committee taking into viewthe magnitude of this evil amongst themconcluded to appoint the following friends to prepare an essay of an addressto the legislature of Ohio on the subject &; produceit for the consideration of the next meeting to wit. Gerard T. HopkinsP.E Thomas James Gillingham Andw. EllicottJames Ellicott &; John Ellicott Then adjourned to the 6th Hour in theevening of the 9th Inst. At which time thecommittee again met present 13 Members The friends appointed to prepare an Essay ofa Memorial to the legislature of Ohio on the subjectof restricting the sale of spiritous liquors to theIndians produced the the following which was read &;approved to wit To the Legislature of the State of OhioThe memorial of the committee on Indian concerns appointed by the Yearly Meeting of Friendsheld in Baltimore for the western shore of Marylandthe adjacent parts of Pennsylvania &;Virginia &; thestate of Ohio. Respectfully Represents That a concern having several years